Chapter 712 An Unexpected Foursome:>>Ep3
- When we got back to the house, it was still relatively early. We decided to watch a movie. In what was either an amazing coincidence or telling sign, Victoria had rented the movie "Unfaithful." We sat on the tatami floor around a square coffee table that was about a foot off of the ground. One of its corners was pointed toward the TV. Ali and Fiona sat on the side of coffee table to the left of the TV, and Victoria and I sat on the side to the right. Though it had been warm outside, the air conditioning had been cranked to high while we were gone and it was now chilly in the house, so Victoria got two blankets and we each shared one. She turned off the lights so that the only source of light in the room was the TV. As the movie started, Fiona snuggled up close to Ali under their blanket, putting his arm around her shoulder and laying her head on his chest. To my surprise (and delight), Victoria snuggled in close to me as well. I made sure the blanket was wrapped around us well and then settled in to watch the movie.
- I'd actually seen the movie before, so, unlike Victoria, who was pretty engrossed in it, I found my eyes repeatedly wandering over to Ali and Fiona. They kissed occasionally, though I could tell they were genuinely interested in watching the movie. At least once, Fiona's eyes met mine and I quickly looked away, not wanting her to think I was staring.
- When the first sex scene started, I was naturally a little more interested in the movie. I could feel Victoria tense up a bit, probably feeling a little awkward watching something so explicit while snuggled up to a guy she barely knew. When the scene was nearly over, I looked over at Fiona again, curious to see how she reacted. What I saw then startled me. There was movement under their blanket, steady, repeated movement. It was Fiona's arm. And when I looked at Ali's face I instantly knew what was happening. She was giving him a handjob under the blanket. He was trying to keep a straight face, but I could tell. Any guy could have read that expression.